Sunday, November 28, 2004

in the beginning...

I met this kid a few years ago. Adam. He was this little shit idiot who got busted like selling meth, or something. He was like 5 foot tall. He was cuter than cute...and wasn't a little shit meth freak himself...but...he wasn't the best esteemer of character. That is: he thought like an idiot and surrounded himself with idiots. So, blah blah...Adam gets hit with this like 5 year sentence with CRC in California. He was certainly preparing for the hell that awaited him...he was hella freaking out. The Courts didn't give a shit. And, Adam became some convict.

Somewhere along the line, someone told me he was all alone in this stupid world. I felt some odd sense of like human duty. (Don't ask why...cause usually I find people to be intensely annoying...what with their selfish, empty little worlds and needs...) But, occasionally I find a rare soul who is real. A rare existence who's choicest desire is to contribute to this their unique...yet edifying...way. I offered to write to this little shit kid. And, although I had to set him straight on my intentions...he chose to become a friend. Each day I listed my epiphanal moment, my theme song, and my muses. Albeit odd...he cherished them. Well, Adam is free today and has graduated from college. I don't know anything beyond that. So...once a stranger, now a stranger again...

Adam will never know how much I relied on him, in the end. Having the opportunity to write whatthehellever I want...knowing that he will read it...and nothingatallfuckingmatters...well...I guess I learned alot about myself. More importantly...I discovered transcending truths and intense has been such a cool journey.

In the spirit of human speaking to human, only...anyone is Adam. I offer my ramblings...and cherished realizations...just because...
