...my ode to Billy Joe....
It isn't everyday a hero comes into your life...
As I begin to muse on what you have meant to me...I find myself shutting the blinds...grabbing the kleenex...and forseeing the puffy eyes I will wear all day tomorrow for letting myself venture into the emotional storm I've held back for so long.
Every moment that you have been a part of my life has been such a wonder to me.
Every day of my life that you have touched could not have been as blessed had you not been a part of it.
And I have held you in my heart for so long...my life is immeasurably blessed, beyond my comprehension.
Why God would choose to bless me by bringing you into my life...I don't know...but it has been one of the greatest gifts I will ever receive...one of the greatest tangible realizations of the power and beauty of love...
You were right...when you explained to me that being alone isn't always the best road...the jigsaw puzzle idea...that a lone piece can actually be enhanced by another piece...especially if they belong together...that although they can remain two totally separate pieces...together they enhance one another...together they form a picture....that wouldn't exist had they remained apart...
Oh how very right you have been in so many ways...
Oh, how very stubborn I can be in my thinking! You would tease me, "You always have to be right!" And I knew you were teasing...I knew that you knew I was okay with being wrong...but...at this moment I discover how it was you...you who knew it all...you who saw right through...you who didn't need to receive the credit...it was you...you were right all along.
I love your spirit...I always have. I love your joy...I love how you see things in images like I do. I love how you aren't afraid to be real...how you stand firm on the painful lessons and the wisdom you have gathered...and how you don't shy away from honesty and truth.
I love that you know I will always be honest and truthful. I love that you believe in me. There is no one else in this world I would believe in more than I believe in you. No matter what...I will come through for you...I would walk the earth barefoot for you...you have been worth it...and you will always be worth it.
God knew I would need you. He knew no one else could ever get close enough to me to penetrate my stubborn and prideful shell. He knew that we would speak the same language and crave the same values...enjoy the same hues in the sunset...laugh at the same humor...and finish each others sentences...even when neither one of us have said a word...
Your love has been like a sunrise to my soul every day of my life with you.
I love that you want to shield me from the harmful things of this world...that you are willing to let me make my own dumb mistakes and never say "I told you so," afterward...that we share such a bond only few souls ever encounter.
My heart floods with gratitude and smiles as I say goodbye to you.
Although we will be apart...I will force myself to embrace the fact that time and distance has never had it's impact on us. You mean more to me than any obstacle. We will see each other again...
Cats will always be floppy...and you may not always take my advice...but...I love you...and I know you will always tell my stories....